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WHO/UNICEF/WFP Interim guideline: Nutritional Care of Children and Adults with Ebola Virus Disease in Treatment Centres

This interim guideline provides recommendations on nutritional support to adults and paediatric patients in Ebola treatment unit (ETUs)...

Infant feeding in the context of ebola

Please also refer to the latest guidance from WHO in the 2016 Clinical management of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever: A pocket g...

Infant feeding in the context of ebola

This guidance guidance document on infant feeding in the context of Ebola was produced through informal consultation involving UNICEF t...

New Growth Standards: roll-out needs more resources

The Lancet, 374.… doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61345-8

UKZN wins right for ARV trial on babies: Online South Africa news article

Article published in online 'Mail & Guardian' South Africa 6th November 2006.

Are WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF-recommended replacement milks for infants of HIV-infected mothers appropriate in the South African context?

WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF- recommended replacement milks for infants of HIV-infected mothers appropiate in the South African context? Papathaki...

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