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Clinical management of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever: A pocket guide for front-line health workers

This pocket guide provides strong support for the practical application of key lifesaving interventions that are feasible in an ETU as ...

C-MAMI Tool, Version 2 (2018)

The C-MAMI Tool provides a health worker with a format to assess, identify/classify and manage at risk mothers and infants under six mo...

Dashboard templates in MS PowerPoint(nutrition cluster)

The package includes five dashboards (with a guidance on how to edit them) in the MS Word, that makes it easy to edit them. All templat...

WHO/FAO guidelines for the safe preparation, storage and handling of powdered infant formula

IMPORTANT NOTE: These guidelines, leaflets and poster have NOT been made with the emergency setting in mind. Hence pictures of bottle f...

Weighing scales for young infants: A survey of relief workers

Field Exchange 29 December 2006, p.11 Survey of weighing scales used for young infants, by staff working in emergencies. This led to t...

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