A set of training materials that can be used to carry out a 7-day training on in-patient management of acute malnutrition with complica...
The presentation was conducted in Somalia and it focused on simplified approaches. Simplified approaches refer to modifi...
Simplified approaches refer to modifications/ simplifications to existing national and global protocols for the treatment of child...
In August 2023, GNC deployed a team of two CVA Nutrition Advisors to develop a skeleton guidance and a capacity development plan t...
To harmonize the implementation of treatment simplification approaches in the country and to better guide partners, a review of the app...
The TOT training on basic training skills for inpatient management of severe acute malnutrition was organized and coordinated by t...
To mitigate the effects of increased deaths, the Nutrition Cluster through the Global Nutrition Cluster and International Medical Corps...
Capacity Mapping report for MAMI services
The purpose of the orientation was to prepare the facilitators for delivering the partner's training. Through the orientation, the...