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ILCA Katrina Special Relief Fund

Put on their website: ILCA has set up an ILCA Katrina Special Relief Fund earmarked for assistance to IBCLCs and ILCA members directly ...

Condolenses & keep breastfeeding: Letter sent out during Hurricane Katrina, USA

Letter sent out on Sept 6, 2005 in response to Hurricane Katrina. Keep breastfeeding is the message

Breakdowns marked path from hurricane to anarchy

Aritlce on the effects of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, USA, in the New York Times 11 Sept 2005, Lipton E, Drew C, Shane S, Rohde D. ...

Breastfeeding and the risk of postneonatal death in the United States

Chen A, Rogan WJ. Breastfeeding and the risk of postneotal death in the United States. Pediatrics 113: 435-439, 2004 A large US based ...

The decision to breastfeed in the United States: does race matter?

Forste R, Weiss J, Lippincott E. The decision to breastfeed in the United States: does race matter? Pediatrics. 2001, 108(2):291-6 ped...

Report on Breastfeeding Consultancy

Report on consultance from Sept - Dec 1999, detailing breastfeeding rates, information and training.

Nutrition, infant feeding and weaning survey

Anthropometric Nutritional & Infant Feeding and weaning survey, ACF, 15-27 July 1999 AND Infant Feeding and Weaning Report. AAH, Ju...

Infant Feeding Practices - Observations from Madedonia and Kosovo

Field Exchange Nov 1999 Issue 8 p.27 How the emergency exacerbated poor pre-crisis practices, information on an IFE, survey, complemen...

Adaptation of IMCI Food Box and Feeding Recommendations for Kosovo

December 5-19, 1999. By: Dr. O. Biloukha and Dr. Z. Brazdova (WHO Consultants) Relevant...

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