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The relationship between wasting and stunting: a retrospective cohort analysis of longitudinal data in Gambian children from 1976 to 2016

Abstract Background: The etiologic relationship between wasting and stunting is poorly understood, largely because of a lack of highqu...

Transcription du podcast: Évaluation et le renforcement d'un Cadre Commun de Resultats

Écouter ce podcast en anglais Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinateur Mondial Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultant TS : Bonjour tout le monde et bi...

Transcripción de podcast: Evaluación y fortalecimiento del Marco Común de Resultados

Escuchar el podcast en inglés Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinadora Global Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultora TS : Hola y bienvenidos todos a e...

Feeding of infants and young children in tsunami affected villages in Pondicherry [India]

Feeding of infants and young children in tsunami affected villages in Pondicherry [India]. Adhisivam B, Srinivasan S, Soudarssanane MB,...

Breastfeeding and complementary feeding: Counselling material, Jordan

Available in Arabic with English translation at the end. Good pictures that could be used elsewhere.

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