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FEX resources review regarding IYCF-E in the Israel/Gaza conflict

Given the current insecurity in this context, ENN has done a review of relevant content published in Field Exchange since its inception...

WHO/UNICEF/WFP Interim guideline: Nutritional Care of Children and Adults with Ebola Virus Disease in Treatment Centres

This interim guideline provides recommendations on nutritional support to adults and paediatric patients in Ebola treatment unit (ETUs)...

Infant feeding in the context of ebola

Please also refer to the latest guidance from WHO in the 2016 Clinical management of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever: A pocket g...

Infant feeding in the context of ebola

This guidance guidance document on infant feeding in the context of Ebola was produced through informal consultation involving UNICEF t...

Recent floods..Challenges of unsolicited donations during emergencies - case study DRPK

Presentation from the 4 day strategy workshop 'Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Regional Experiences and Challenges in Ac...

Christian Aid partner in Gaza requests baby milk after sewage flood

Christian Aid partner in Gaza requests baby milk after sewage flood: An...

Nutrition and infant feeding in the PMTCT context in Rwanda

HIV research may be more up to date on looking at comp feeding in dfficult circumstances. This review has a section about complementary...

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