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Madagascar | La matrice 5W

La matrice Qui fait Quoi Où Quand et Pour Qui (en anglais 5W : Who does What Where When & for Whom) permet de collecter des in...

Southern Africa: Humanitarian needs continue to spiral in Southern Africa as peak of lean season looms

Southern Africa is now entering the peak of the lean season following the worst El Niño-induced drought in decades. With food stocks la...

With poverty so immense, how we help is crucial

Tanya Plibersek, Australian politician, comments on Australian foreign policy, and inappropriate use of infant formula

Infant Feeding in Emergencies article: Breastfeeding is the safest option

Article that explains why breastfeeding is the safest infant feeding option in emergencies. The article highlights a helpline people ca...

El cuidado emocional de las madres y sus niños y niñas en situaciones de emergencia

El cuidado emocional de las madres y sus niños y niñas en situaciones de emergencia. IBCLC Paloma Lerma- IBFAN México Presented at 28-3...

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