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A mapping exercise and online survey to investigate continuity of care in acute malnutrition treatment in East Africa

Between January and June 2019, Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) undertook a mapping exercise and a review of current practice to gain ...

Transcription du podcast: Évaluation et le renforcement d'un Cadre Commun de Resultats

Écouter ce podcast en anglais Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinateur Mondial Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultant TS : Bonjour tout le monde et bi...

Transcripción de podcast: Evaluación y fortalecimiento del Marco Común de Resultados

Escuchar el podcast en inglés Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinadora Global Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultora TS : Hola y bienvenidos todos a e...

With poverty so immense, how we help is crucial

Tanya Plibersek, Australian politician, comments on Australian foreign policy, and inappropriate use of infant formula

Infant Feeding in Emergencies article: Breastfeeding is the safest option

Article that explains why breastfeeding is the safest infant feeding option in emergencies. The article highlights a helpline people ca...

Role of education in activities

Case study from: INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING IN EMERGENCIES GIFA/ENN PROJECT (2003) Researchers: Mary Corbett (Evaluation of Module...

Malnutrition/Supplementary suckling

Case studies from: INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING IN EMERGENCIES GIFA/ENN PROJECT (2003) Researchers: Mary Corbett (Evaluation of Modu...

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