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Infant feeding in the context of ebola

Please also refer to the latest guidance from WHO in the 2016 Clinical management of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever: A pocket g...

Infant feeding in the context of ebola

This guidance guidance document on infant feeding in the context of Ebola was produced through informal consultation involving UNICEF t...

Feeding of infants and young children in tsunami affected villages in Pondicherry [India]

Feeding of infants and young children in tsunami affected villages in Pondicherry [India]. Adhisivam B, Srinivasan S, Soudarssanane MB,...

Essential community involvement and participation in Angola: IYCF GIFA and ENN Project

Case study from: INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING IN EMERGENCIES GIFA/ENN PROJECT (2003) Researchers: Mary Corbett (Evaluation of Module...

Considering cultural context: Case study from IYCF-E GIFA/ENN Projects

Case studies from: INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING IN EMERGENCIES GIFA/ENN PROJECT (2003) Researchers: Mary Corbett (Evaluation of Modul...

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