


Alexa Humphreys is the Assessment Advisor for the Global Nutrition Cluster. As a member of the Technical Support Team, Alexa helps practitioners improve the quality of their nutrition assessments. Here, she offers a quick overview of Nutrition Information Systems and why they are important to addressing nutrition issues, especially in emergencies.

What are…



To mark World Breastfeeding Week, Brooke Bauer – the Global Nutrition Cluster’s Infant & Young Children Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Advisor – shares why breastfeeding is the single biggest lifesaving intervention for infants and young children and should always be encouraged – especially in emergencies…


At the start of 2022, Somalia experienced a considerable influx of people into cities and informal settlements from neighboring rural areas. This was the result of a prolonged drought that spanned multiple seasons, beginning in 2020, as well as sharp increases in food prices. As a result, families lost their crops, cattle, and livelihoods, and were unable to pay…


In 2022, Nigeria’s population faced multiple, simultaneous challenges including an ongoing protracted conflict, devastating floods, and the continued economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, the conflict in Nigeria’s north-eastern states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe (known as the BAY states) continues with no end in sight, thirteen years after it initially…


This document provides helpful tips on disability inclusion in the nutrition chapters of Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs). It is essential to go beyond general statements on targeting of persons with disabilities and inclusive programming, to describe concrete activities to address risk factors…

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