


Storm Daniel pummeled north-eastern Libya in September 2023, which resulted in severe flooding in cities like Benghazi, Al-Jabal Al-Akhder, Al-Marj, and elsewhere. The city of Derna particularly suffered from extensive damage to its infrastructure and homes when two dams broke, killing more than 2,300 people. At least 5,000 people were…


Amidst humanitarian crises, the call for locally driven, locally led, and locally owned responses has grown louder over the years, resonating deeply with some international stakeholders.

Nowhere is this resonance more crucial than in the nutrition sector. Local and national actors (LNAs)* stand as the…


The nutrition situation in Gaza has deteriorated rapidly since conflict erupted in October 2023 between Hamas and Israel armed forces.

In the six months since, there has been a sharp increase in the main drivers of malnutrition – including food insecurity, a lack of diet diversity, deteriorating infant…


Martha Nakakande is the Global Nutrition Cluster’s CMAM Advisor, and co-chair to its Anti-racism & Localisation Working Group. She has extensive experience delivering Training of Trainers (ToTs) in various nutrition technical areas, including In-patient care, Outpatient care, Coaching and Simplified Approaches.

ToTs are a type…


Looking to 2024, the Global Nutrition Cluster and the GNC Technical Alliance have jointly decided to create one holistic support platform by bringing our two arms of support together into one shared, global identity. We believe this will help us to communicate our support and services more clearly to nutrition actors and improve your experience with us


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