
Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group

During emergencies like earthquakes, conflict, or floods, children are especially vulnerable to malnutrition, illness, and death and rely heavily on caregivers for support. The healthy development of their immune systems, bodies and brains are highly dependant on good nutrition. Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) is a life saving intervention and is crucial in such situations.

The IFE Core Group

Global Thematic Working Group

The Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group is a global collaboration of agencies and individuals that formed in 1999 to address policy guidance and training resource gaps hampering programming on infant and young child feeding support in humanitarian contexts. The IFE Core Group works to develop guidance and resource materials; documents lessons learned and builds capacity to ensure more effective infant and young child feeding (IYCF) support in emergency contexts (IYCF-E). 

The IFE Core Group is coordinated by the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN). Current members of the Group include ACF, ADRA, CDC, CGBI, CHEERing, Concern Worldwide, Eleanor Crook Foundation, ENN, Global Nutrition Cluster, Goal, IBFAN, IMC, IOCC, IRC, MSF, SafelyFed Canada, Samaritan’s Purse, Save the Children, UNHCR, UNICEF, USAID, USAID/OFDA, WFP, WHO, World Vision, and several independent individuals.

Latest IFE Core Group update

During the last quarter of 2022, the IFE Core Group held its annual meeting remotely, and its 2023 workplan is under development. 

New resources 

Two webinars were organized in this quarter: 'Learning & Sharing Cafe: Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS' and 'WHO/UNICEF IYCF Indicators: Challenges and opportunities in humanitarian contexts'.

For more information on any of the activities highlights or if you would like to enquire about joining the IFE Core Group, please contact IFE Core Group Facilitator 

Main contacts

Dima Ousta


Key Resources

IYCF-E Additional Resources


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