Une première étape essentielle de la garantie d’une réponse adéquate en faveur de l’ANJE-U consiste à comprendre quelles capacité...
The MAMI Care Pathway provides an option for small and nutritionally-at-risk infants less than 6 months and their mothers to be treated...
The report outlines Mozambique's approach to addressing maternal and child health outcomes, reducing neonatal mortality which was linke...
This presentation focused on maternal nutrition counseling, skilled breastfeeding counseling, and target audiences for counseling.
This presentation focused on the Code of marketing breastmilk substitutes, assessing the need for BMS.
This presentation focused on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies including key actions in emergency preparedness and response...
The presentation focused on Infant and Young Child Feeding, breastfeeding techniques, expressing breastmilk, storage of expressed breas...
Capacity Mapping report for MAMI services