This is a supplementary document to the Programme Guidance to Protect the Nutrition of Women and Adolescent Girls in Humanitarian Setti...
The MAMI Care Pathway provides an option for small and nutritionally-at-risk infants less than 6 months and their mothers to be treated...
The report outlines Mozambique's approach to addressing maternal and child health outcomes, reducing neonatal mortality which was linke...
L’un des buts principaux des points de conseil en nutrition est d’offrir un espace agréable dans lesquels les femmes peuvent allaiter c...
This presentation focused on maternal nutrition in Somalia, myths misconceptions, breastfeeding, counseling during pregnancy, lac...
Contribuer à l’amélioration des pratiques de l’ANJE et l’état nutritionnel des enfants de moins de deux ans afin de minimiser les risqu...