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Feeding of infants and young children in tsunami affected villages in Pondicherry [India]

Feeding of infants and young children in tsunami affected villages in Pondicherry [India]. Adhisivam B, Srinivasan S, Soudarssanane MB,...

Feeding difficulties in disabled children leads to malnutrition: experience in an Indian slum

Br J Nutr. 2003 Dec;90(6):1097-106.…

A Market-Based Approach to Child Nutrition: Mothers' Demand for Quality Certification of Infant Foods in Bamako, Mali

March 24, 2001rev. April 30, 2002 forthcoming in Food Policy by Diakalia Sanogo and William A. Masters. Looks at the different types o...

The Gulf War, child nutrition and feeding practices in Iraq

Mary C. Smith Fawzi ScD, Walid Aldoori M.D. ScD, Wafaie W. Fawzi M.D. DrPH and Nagib Armijo-Hussein M.D. MPH Nutrition Research, Volume...

Infant feeding and risk of severe diarhoea in Basrah City, Iraq - A case-control study

Mahmood DA, Feachem RG, Huttly SRA. Infant feeding and risk of severe diarrhoea in Basrah City, Iraq: A case-control study. Bull WHO 19...


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