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A little help from my friends: caring for premature babies in a war zone

Breastfeeding Journal 2007, 2:3. Also summarised in Field Exchange 31, September 2007, p.5-6 Abstract This paper is a narrative of s...

Breastfeeding status as a predictor of mortality amongst refugee children in an emergency situation in Guinea-Bissau

M Jakobson et al. Breastfeeding status as a predictor of mortality amongst refugee children in an emergency situation in Guinea-Bissau....

El cuidado emocional de las madres y sus niños y niñas en situaciones de emergencia

El cuidado emocional de las madres y sus niños y niñas en situaciones de emergencia. IBCLC Paloma Lerma- IBFAN México Presented at 28-3...

Mother-baby corners: Emergency shelters become baby friendly in Honduras Part taken from IBFAN website on IFE but referenced to BFHI News, UNIC...

The Weaning Project: Improving Young Child Feeding Practices

Marcia Griffiths, Project Director, The Manoff Group 1992 The final report of The Weaning Project 1984 - 1989 that tried to improve we...

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