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Cholera in emergency contexts

Cholera outbreaks are on the rise and currently affecting many countries such as Haiti, Malwai, North-east Syria and Mozambique. Outbre...

Infant feeding in emergencies: experiences from Lebanon

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Infant and young child feeding in Emergencies - the Lebanon Crisis

SC (US) publication: Emergency Health & Nutrition Forum. Issue 1: The Emergency Nutrition Portfolio March 2007. Part 3: Infant and ...

With poverty so immense, how we help is crucial

Tanya Plibersek, Australian politician, comments on Australian foreign policy, and inappropriate use of infant formula

Infant Feeding in Emergencies article: Breastfeeding is the safest option

Article that explains why breastfeeding is the safest infant feeding option in emergencies. The article highlights a helpline people ca...

Infant Feeding in Emergencies - Indonesia & Lebanon Responses

Save the Children: Children in Emergencies & Crisis. English Vol 2 No 1 Winter 2006 Middle East Responding to the Crisis - page 8 ...

Children suffer from inappropriate milk formula use: Arabic press release in Lebanon

Arabic version of a press release sent to all commercial radio stations in Lebanon 2006, written by Save the Children Alliance.


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