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Humanitarian-development nexus: nutrition programming and policy in Kenya

A recent ENN field-based case study in Kenya examined experiences of the humanitarian development nexus (HDN) through a nutrition-speci...

SENS Nutrition Survey Report - Kakuma Refugee Camo

This report summarises the results of a nutrition survey conducted from 15th - 21st November 2012, coordinated by UNHCR and UCL in coll...

IYCF - Complementary feeding leaflets

Not for emergencies but could be adapted or given out in emergencies in North America, western Europe areas, depending on situation Th...

Home fortification in emergency response and transition programming: Experiences in Aceh and Nias, Indonesia (Sprinkles)

Describes the post-tsunami experience using Vitalita Sprinkles for children > 6 months. Saskia de Pee, Regina Moench-Pfanner, Elviy...

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