The term “simplified approaches” refers to several modifications and simplifications to the existing national and global protocol...
A version of the checklist adapted to the context of Burkina Faso: UNICEF, Save the Children, Global Nutrition Cluster. IYCF-U Capacity...
The Infant and Young Child feeding in Emergency (IYCF-E) Capacity Mapping Assessment highlighted policy and human capacity gaps.
In the early months of 2021, the IFE Core Group and the Global Nutrition Information System Technical Working Group with the support of...
The IYCF-E capacity mapping toolkit was developed by Save the Children, UNICEF and the GNC to support country clusters and/or nati...
the roles and responsibilities of the NCC (in English, French, Spanish and Arabic). This is a one pager that summarizes major tasks tha...
the roles and responsibilities of the IMO(in English, French, Spanish and Arabic). This is a one pager that summarizes major tasks that...
The purpose of the tool is to conduct gap analysis to improve nutrition cluster response. The tool is divided into 7 sheets, each provi...