General (GTAM, TRRT)

GTAM Nutrition and CoVID19 Technical Brief:This technical brief provides an overview of available guidance and tools on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) to assist Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) practitioners in integrating COVID-19 preparedness and response into humanitarian nutrition responses. Given the rapidly evolving situation, this brief will be updated every 2 weeks until further notice.

Tech RRT Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) approach to technical assistance to nutrition emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic Version 3.0:This document outlines how the Tech RRT will continue to provide technical support to nutrition emergencies in the COVID-19 context. This will enable requesting partners to know what they can expect from the Tech RRT support during the COVID-19 pandemic

ENN The en-net provides a place to submit questions surrounding the emergency response to COVID-19. Current threads include infant and young child feeding, breastfeeding, prevention and treatment of MAMand nutrition programming

Tech RRT Protecting, promoting and supporting IYCF during the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections and recommendations. Time and date: Monday 6th April at 2-3.30pm (Geneva time). Monday 6th April at 2-3.30pm (Geneva time). To register, please visit the Tech RRT website here

GTAM Management of Child Wasting in the context of COVID-19 Brief No.1 (March 27th, 2020): This brief is meant to provide information specific to services and programmes for the management of child wasting in the context of COVID-19, and it contains information that is not already available elsewhere. This Brief does not cover wider mitigation and response measures available in other guidance. Arabic version is also available.
Infant and Young Child Feeding

GTAM Infant & Young Child Feeding in the context of COVID-19 Brief No. 2 (v1) (March 30th, 2020): This brief is meant to provide information specific to infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in the context of COVID-19. This Brief does not cover wider mitigation and response measures available in other guidance.

GNC.This Template for Joint Statement on Infant and Young Child Feeding in the Context of Covid (April 2 2020) includes a consolidation of available recommendations related to IYCF in the context of Covid-19. It is to be adapted by countries or nutrition clusters and to be issued at the national level. It was developed by the IFE Core Group. 

Safely Fed Canada Compilation of COVID-19 resources and statements related to breastfeeding: Includes also COVID19 Infant Feeding Resources for Parents and Caregivers and Statement on skin-to-skin

CDC Interim Guidance on Breastfeeding for a Mother Confirmed or Under Investigation For COVID-19 (Published 19 Feb 2020)

UNFPA Statement on COVID-19 and pregnancy (Published 5 March 2020)

WHO Q&A on COVID-19, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding 

WHO Breastfeeding advice during the COV D-19 outbreak. Flyer

Country level documents


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