GTAM Nutrition and CoVID19 Technical Brief:This technical brief provides an overview of available guidance and tools on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) to assist Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE) practitioners in integrating COVID-19 preparedness and response into humanitarian nutrition responses. Given the rapidly evolving situation, this brief will be updated every 2 weeks until further notice.
Tech RRT Technical Rapid Response Team (Tech RRT) approach to technical assistance to nutrition emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic Version 3.0:This document outlines how the Tech RRT will continue to provide technical support to nutrition emergencies in the COVID-19 context. This will enable requesting partners to know what they can expect from the Tech RRT support during the COVID-19 pandemic
ENN The en-net provides a place to submit questions surrounding the emergency response to COVID-19. Current threads include infant and young child feeding, breastfeeding, prevention and treatment of MAM, and nutrition programming.
Tech RRT Protecting, promoting and supporting IYCF during the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections and recommendations. Time and date: Monday 6th April at 2-3.30pm (Geneva time). Monday 6th April at 2-3.30pm (Geneva time). To register, please visit the Tech RRT website here