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MUAC vs. WFH - A brief overview of the debate

This learning this brief describes some of the key elements and viewpoints within the debate between different anthropometric measureme...

IYCF-E Ukraine Key Messages

“The document will be also available in local languages soon” Early and accurate communication on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Em...

ENN Field Exchange Issue 67 - Prioritising Emergency Response Preparedness

ENN’s 67th issue of Field Exchange was published in April 2022. Click here to download and view this article.

Redefining the role of food aid

The principal objective of food aid, besides responding to needs created by conflict, and other disasters, should be to provide an insu...

Human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and infant feeding in complex humanitarian emergencies: priorities and policy considerations

Human immuno-deficiency virus and infant feeding in complex humanitarian emergencies: priorities and policy considerations. Leyenaar J....

Breastfeeding and the risk of postneonatal death in the United States

Chen A, Rogan WJ. Breastfeeding and the risk of postneotal death in the United States. Pediatrics 113: 435-439, 2004 A large US based ...


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