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Nutrition and infant feeding survey of women and children in Sarajevo during July 1993

Eur J Clin Nutrition 1995 Oct;49 Suppl 2:S11-6.Robertson A, Fronczak N, Jaganjac N, Hailey P, Copeland P, Duprat M, WHO. Abstract: OB...

Nutrition and care of young children during emergencies

Nutrition and care of young children during emergencies. Longhurst R, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 1995, 16(4):407-412. Available onli...

Breastfeeding in emergencies article in "Dialogue on Diarrhoea" An article that explains how breast milk substitutes can do harm in emergencies and women need hel...

The Weaning Project: Improving Young Child Feeding Practices

Marcia Griffiths, Project Director, The Manoff Group 1992 The final report of The Weaning Project 1984 - 1989 that tried to improve we...

Role of Nurses - How to help a woman to re-establish lactation

Role of Nurses: How to help a woman to re-establish lactation. Dialogue on Diarrhoea. No 50 1992 Mentions success in Vietnam, Banglade...

IYCF: Indicators for assessing health facility practices that affect breastfeeding

WHO/CDR/93.1 Available in English at: Content: Report summarizes the discussion a...

Breastfeeding only milk: Water requirements of breast-fed infants in a hot climate

Almroth SG. Am J Clin Nutr 1978 Jul;31(7):1154-7 Death from dehydration is not due to lack of water, but electrolyte imbalance. These ...

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