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Southern Africa: Humanitarian needs continue to spiral in Southern Africa as peak of lean season looms

Southern Africa is now entering the peak of the lean season following the worst El Niño-induced drought in decades. With food stocks la...

Zimbabwe: UNICEF Humanitarian Situation Report No 2, 29 February 2016

Highlights  Zimbabwe’s food insecure population at the current peak of the hunger season has increased from 1.5 million people to...

Zimbabwe: Humanitarian Situation Report No 1, 29 January 2016

Highlights Zimbabwe is currently experiencing a drought following below average rainfall during the 2014/2015 season. Based on the Zim...

Infant Feeding Practices in Binga and Nyaminyami, Zimbabwe in relation to HIV

Talks about 6 months being a critical time; looks at what they are weaning onto now and what the impact is of rapid weaning.

Early Exclusive Breastfeeding Increases HIV Survival (summary)

Summary of published paper in Field Exchange 25, May 2005, p.10. Published paper: Early exclusive breastfeeding reduces the risk of po...


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