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Country-level Cluster terms and definitions

The Global Cluster Coordination Group (GCCG) developed this index of terms and definitions to clarify cluster- related coordination str...

Cholera in emergency contexts

Cholera outbreaks are on the rise and currently affecting many countries such as Haiti, Malwai, North-east Syria and Mozambique. Outbre...

Nutrition Cluster Coordination e-learning channel: Module catalogue

The Nutrition Cluster Coordination Learning channel is organised around the six functions of the cluster and three cumulative levels. I...

Competency Framework for Cluster Coordination

The Competency Framework for Cluster Coordination outlines the competencies required for those working as Cluster Coordinators in the N...

GNC Mentoring Programme

The 2022-2025 GNC Strategy identifies the strategic importance of human capital development within the Nutrition Cluster (both coordina...

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