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Transcription du podcast: Évaluation et le renforcement d'un Cadre Commun de Resultats

Écouter ce podcast en anglais Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinateur Mondial Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultant TS : Bonjour tout le monde et bi...

Transcripción de podcast: Evaluación y fortalecimiento del Marco Común de Resultados

Escuchar el podcast en inglés Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinadora Global Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultora TS : Hola y bienvenidos todos a e...

Mozambique - the work Mention in blog of Plumpynut being used for babies who are malnourished - a Breas...

Improving infant and young child feeding - TIPS & Strategy for Luapula Valley

Proceedings of an evaluation workshop on Trials for Improved Practices (TIPS) for improved rainy season infant and young child feeding,...

Nutrition and infant feeding survey of women and children in Sarajevo during July 1993

Eur J Clin Nutrition 1995 Oct;49 Suppl 2:S11-6.Robertson A, Fronczak N, Jaganjac N, Hailey P, Copeland P, Duprat M, WHO. Abstract: OB...

The Weaning Project: Improving Young Child Feeding Practices

Marcia Griffiths, Project Director, The Manoff Group 1992 The final report of The Weaning Project 1984 - 1989 that tried to improve we...

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