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SENS Nutrition Survey Report - Kakuma Refugee Camo

This report summarises the results of a nutrition survey conducted from 15th - 21st November 2012, coordinated by UNHCR and UCL in coll...

Baby Formula goes to Manila Court: newspaper article

Article published in Australia on 3rd February 2007.

Breastfeeding and complementary feeding leaflets and counselling cards Ghana

From Ghana: Breastfeeding & Infant Feeding Counseling Cards for Grandmothers and TBAs

The Weaning Project: Improving Young Child Feeding Practices

Marcia Griffiths, Project Director, The Manoff Group 1992 The final report of The Weaning Project 1984 - 1989 that tried to improve we...

Infant feeding and risk of severe diarhoea in Basrah City, Iraq - A case-control study

Mahmood DA, Feachem RG, Huttly SRA. Infant feeding and risk of severe diarrhoea in Basrah City, Iraq: A case-control study. Bull WHO 19...

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