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The cost of preventing undernutrition: cost, cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness of three cash-based interventions on nutrition outcomes in Dadu, Pakistan

Abstract Cash-based interventions (CBIs) increasingly are being used to deliver humanitarian assistance and there is growing interest ...

With poverty so immense, how we help is crucial

Tanya Plibersek, Australian politician, comments on Australian foreign policy, and inappropriate use of infant formula

Infant Feeding in Emergencies article: Breastfeeding is the safest option

Article that explains why breastfeeding is the safest infant feeding option in emergencies. The article highlights a helpline people ca...

Health and Nutrition survey, Pakistan

A scientific in-depth survey conducted with about 2400 households in 4 different geographical areas duiring November to December 2005 -...

Health and Nutrition Survey in Earthquake Affected Areas of Pakistan

A scientific in-depth survey conducted with about 2400 households in 4 different geographical areas duiring November to December 2005 -...

An Assessment of Relief, Transition, and Development Needs of the Earthquake-Affected Population of Allai Valley, NWFP

As if all happiness vanished in a wink of an eye: An Assessment of Relief, Transition, and Development Needs of the Earthquake-Affected...


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