
Nutrition in Emergency Coordination Checklist

The purpose of the Nutrition in Emergency Coordination (aka NCC) checklist is to support country-level nutrition coordination teams to adequately meet the key outputs of country-level nutrition coordination mechanisms (clusters or sectors). While the primary function of this checklist is to support the delivery of Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) - related outputs, it can also be used to support the development of cluster/sector workplans, to ensure standardization of outputs across countries, and can be used for self-assessment. The implementation of the activities in the NCC checklist support the 6+1 Core Cluster/Sector Functions.

This list is not exhaustive – depending on the country context, the cluster coordination team may decide to implement additional activities and use additional technical and coordination tools to enhance their work and that of the collective. 

This checklist should be used in conjunction with the Information Management checklist (EN, FR ES) to ensure a robust coordination mechanism is in place.


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