Les DirecDves OpéraDonnelles sur l’AlimentaDon du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant en situaDon d’urgence (ANJE U) est préparé par l’...
An Excel file that very lists the main actions needed for the health, SAME, WASH and NFI sectors to increase the quality of interventio...
La note d’orientation sur l’Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant en situation d’urgence (ANJE U) est conçue par le Cluste...
Guidance is currently not available.
The purpose of the Simplified Approaches SOP was a)To improve coverage and access to lifesaving treatment services for uncomplicated w...
The Operational Response and capacitation plan lay out the activities and task nutrition cluster must carry out to scale-up comprehensi...
This IYCF-E Operational Guidance is based on the National Infant and Young Child Feeding Strategy 2015-20241 and draws on guidance from...