

Session sur le HNO 2024 de la série de webinaires du GNC sur le CPH Agenda : 1. Introduction 2. Facteurs contributifs et portée de l'analyse 3. Analyse sectorielle: PIN et Sévérité du secteur Nutrition 4. Analyse intersectorielle 5. Soutien du GNC et conclusion

Aug 29

The GNC would like to invite you to participate in an upcoming webinar on the 2023 HRP process for Nutrition Coordination mechanisms (ENGLISH), scheduled at 12pm until 13h30 CET, August 29th. Colleagues from/supporting nutrition sector/cluster coordination mechanisms, as well as colleagues from other sectors/clusters that wish to better…

Session HNO de la série de webinaires du GNC sur le processus HPC 2023. Ordre du jour : 1. Bienvenue et présentation 2. Aperçu du processus HPC 2023 et analyse des besoins intersectoriels 3. Analyse des besoins humanitaires en matière de nutrition 2023 4. Principales considérations transversales dans l'analyse des besoins 5. Appui du GNC-CT aux pays 6. Questions et…

HNO session of the GNC webinar series on the 2023 HPC process. 1. Agenda : 2. Welcome and Introduction 3. Overview of 2023 HPC process and Intersectoral Needs Analysis 4. 2023 Nutrition Humanitarian Needs Analysis 5. Key cross-cutting considerations in needs analysis 6. GNC-CT support to countries 7. Q&A Reference tools and guidance Coordination Toolkit HPC…

Aug 02

The GNC facilitated two virtual Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) events in July and August 2022. The event was for selected personnel engaged in Nutrition Cluster Coordination who play or will play an active role in fostering and facilitating a nutrition-specific ERP planning process in country; who are or will be involved in the development of contingency plans…


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