nutritional oedema guideline under 5 years

WHO Guidelines on the Prevention and Management of Wasting

The first set of recommendations from the WHO guidelines for the prevention and management of wasting and nutritional oedema (acute malnutrition) are finally out! These recommendations are for the management of infants under 6 months and children 6-59 months with specific guidance on:

  1. The management of children aged 6-59 months with severe and moderate wasting by CHWs
  2. The management of children aged 6-59 months with moderate wasting (incl. identification of children with moderate wasting at high risk)
  3. The management of children aged 6-59 months with  severe wasting  
  4. The management of infants under 6 months at risk of poor growth and development

You can find an update here.

And the recommendations are available on MAGICapp here.

Further, here is a briefing note on the recommendations.

Here is a recording from a webinar on the management section of the guidelines with WHO and GNC Technical Alliance.

Recommendations on the prevention of child wasting are expected later this year, and soon after, the full WHO guideline will be released.


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