
UNICEF Country Office Guide on CLA Accountabilities and Humanitarian Coordination

Fulfilling UNICEF Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and its Coordination Role in Humanitarian Settings

UNICEF addresses the needs of children and their families in humanitarian crises since its origins. The Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCCs) are the core UNICEF policy and framework for humanitarian action and are mandatory for all UNICEF personnel. Coordination is one of the overarching commitments established in the CCCs: the organization “Support[s] the leadership and coordination of humanitarian response, along with national and local stakeholders, and in compliance with humanitarian principles.”

The Quick Guide offers a summary of the full “UNICEF Country Office Guide on Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and Humanitarian Coordination” guide (also below) that has been developed to assist UNICEF Country Offices and their personnel to better fulfil CLA accountabilities in emergencies. It is focused on the role of the Country Office in ensuring that UNICEF-led/co-led clusters and AoR are properly staffed and supported in the exercise of their functions.

Please click below to read both the quick guide and the full guide.


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