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Independent Evaluation of the CMAM Model Surge Pilot

Executive Summary This report is the result of an Independent Evaluation of the Pilot CMAM Surge Model project conducted in two subcou...

Wet nursing: Aid workers in Burma lament late start

General: Realplayer: rtsp://… Transcript: ...

The Coping Strategies Index

A tool for rapid measurement of household food security and the impact of food aid programs in humanitarian emergencies. Field methods ...

NGONUT correspondence on all aspects of malnutrition in < 6 months

NGONUT was an on-line discussion group on matters related to nutrition (unfortunately it is no longer running)This is correspondence on...

Mozambique - the work Mention in blog of Plumpynut being used for babies who are malnourished - a Breas...

Impact of breastfeeding in emergency situations - Emergency relief workers

Letter to emergency relief workers: Impact of breastfeeding in emergency situations.


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