More than 60 individuals from East and Southern Africa (ESA) national and sub-national Cluster/sector coordination teams at country lev...
As Covid-19 infections continue to rise in the region, the impact of the pandemic, including the impacts related to government mitigati...
Highlights Erratic rainfall, high temperatures and persistent Fall Armyworm infestation lower cereal crop production prospects for 201...
Highlights Dry conditions intensified in the southern half of the region, threatening production prospects in several areas. Abnormall...
The report covers the main humanitarian issues in Southern Africa. Southern Africa continues to recover from the disastrous 2015/2016 E...
Highlights Good rains continued to the end of season in most central and southern parts of the region, resulting in positive productio...
The Food Security Update provides an overview of the Progress of the 2016/17 rainfall season, the 2016/17 Agricultural Production Prosp...
Key Messages Good performance of the current growing season (Oct 2016 – April 2017) is critical for Southern Africa, after suffer...