This brief was developed by the Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Working Group under the GNC to summarise some of the challeng...
The humanitarian situation in South Sudan is worsening. People’s humanitarian needs continue to rise, driven by cumulative and compound...
Summary of humanitarian needs and key findings Context, shocks and impact of the crisis Eleven years after independence and four yea...
RAPID NEED ASSESSENT REPORT For Agencies Operating in Tonj South County, Warrap State Flooding Level
Floods Spot Check Assessment Report: [Old Fangak, and surrounding villages, Jonglei State] [September 09, 2022]
Inter-Agency Rapid Needs Assessment (IRNA) Report: Aweil West and North Counties Report Date: Tuesday 6th September 2022
The Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategy was developed to strengthen nutrition programs in South Sudan. It is based on th...
A training tool on qualitative research methods: barrier analysis for Save the Children Sudan team. The training was conducted on 22-2...
The survey was conducted on December 2020 in three counties of greater Kapoeta (Kapoeta North Kapoeta South and Kapoeta East). 12 ...