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Transcription du podcast: Évaluation et le renforcement d'un Cadre Commun de Resultats

Écouter ce podcast en anglais Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinateur Mondial Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultant TS : Bonjour tout le monde et bi...

Transcripción de podcast: Evaluación y fortalecimiento del Marco Común de Resultados

Escuchar el podcast en inglés Tui Swinnen (TS): Coordinadora Global Tamsin Walters (TW): Consultora TS : Hola y bienvenidos todos a e...

Women starting to breastfeed due to emergency

Experiences from Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita that women breastfed (and continued to do so afterwards) following the emergency ...

Using CREATE! to promote post-earthquake breastfeeding in Yogyakarta: Presentation to Bali IYCF-E workshop (2008)

Presentation from the 4 day strategy workshop 'Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Regional Experiences and Challenges in Ac...

IYCF - Complementary feeding leaflets

Not for emergencies but could be adapted or given out in emergencies in North America, western Europe areas, depending on situation Th...

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