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HPC Toolkit on GBV Risk Mitigation for UNICEF led Clusters

GBV risk mitigation (GBVRM) makes humanitarian services and responses safer and more effective by proactively identifying and mitigatin...

GBV and Gender sensitive training module

Learning Objectives •Explain the linkage between Gender/GBV and Nutrition. •Identify key elements for gender and GBV responsive nutri...

Protecting Maternal Diets and Nutrition Services and Practices in the Context of COVID-19

This brief provides recommendations to support the nutritional needs of women in the context of partial or full population mobilit...

Template for Joint Statement on Infant and Young Child Feeding in the Context of Covid

Includes a consolidation of available recommendations related to IYCF in the context of Covid-19. It is to be adapted by countries or n...

Nutrition Sectoral and Cluster Coordination Guidance in COVID19 Contexts

The purpose of this note is to give guidance to Nutrition Sector/Cluster coordination mechanisms at national level, on adaptation of th...

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