



GNC Operations Team Deputy Coordinator - NiE

Hello, I’m Angeline Grant and I am the GNC Operations Team Deputy Coordinator. 

In my role, I coordinate and oversee the provision of in-depth programming support on nutrition in emergency contexts, on behalf of the GNC. I work with requestors (nutrition cluster coordinators, nutrition response partners, national actors) in emergency contexts to define needs, identify expertise and manage in-country and remote programming support. I also support the GNC to ensure key strategic priorities such as localisation and gender are mainstreamed into our support services and our ways of working. In addition, I engage with the GNC’s Global Thematic Working Groups to ensure that in-depth programming support is reflected in global technical discussions and priorities. 

My primary area of interest is the decentralisation and localisation of nutrition programming and coordination in fragile contexts and their linkages with systems strengthening and accountability. I have previously worked in the areas of nutrition assessment, nutrition programme implementation, nutrition cluster coordination and nutrition-sensitive programming in West Africa, East Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia, with a variety of organisations. 

I hold an MSc in Public Health Nutrition from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a BSc in Biological Sciences from the University of Edinburgh. I live and work remotely on the outskirts of Geneva with my family.



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