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Links to the full nutrition analysis reports are at the bottom of this page.

The nutrition situation in Gaza is continuing to deteriorate rapidly. From the Nutrition Vulnerability Analysis (NVA) in February 2024 that covered the first 120 days of the current war, there was a sharp increase in the main drivers of malnutrition – including food insecurity, a lack of diet diversity, deteriorating infant and young child feeding practices, a lack of access to safe water and sanitation, widespread disease, and a collapsed health system. These drivers continue to perpetuate malnutrition among the most vulnerable – namely young children and pregnant and breastfeeding women. Findings from this analysis and subsequent ones, suggest that the nutrition situation is worsening everywhere. With the most recent NVA focusing on Northern and Southern Gaza.

While there are differences in the data across the governorates, all areas of Gaza are affected by malnutrition. The lives, nutritional wellbeing, growth, and development of Gaza’s children is at stake and needs to be urgently protected.

"The situation in the Northern part of Gaza remains of great concern, with almost no humanitarian access to this part of the Strip until the end of April." - NVA June 2024


NVA current
NVA Feb and April


Click on the links below to download the full Nutrition Vulnerability and Situation Analysis reports:



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