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Transcription du podcast : Formation des agents de santé sur la prise en charge de la MAS en milieux hospitalier, Mali

Écoutez ce podcast en français Ambarka Youssoufane (AY) : Spécialiste régional de la gestion des connaissances d'ENN pour l'Afrique d...

Transcript of the podcast: Training health care providers to treat SAM in hospitals in Mali

Listen to this podcast in French. Read this transcript in French. Ambarka Youssoufane (AY) : Knowledge Management Specialise, West Afr...

Malaria prevention with nutrient supplementation in addition to seasonal chemoprevention in children aged 6-59 months in rural Mali

Poster prepared for the Action Against Hunger 'Research for Nutrition' Conference, 13th November, 2017, Pavillon de l'eau, Paris.

Situation de la campagne agropastorale au 31 juillet 2017, n° 04 - FR

Following the update of the agro-hydro-climatic forecasts made in July 2017, the perspectives for the cumulative rainfall, ending dates...

Moderate acute malnutrition: a decision tool for emergencias, GNC 2017

A review of targeted supplementary feeding programmes in emergencies found that there was very limited data on the effectiveness of th...

Preguntas frecuentes - Código Internacional de Comecialización de Sucedáneos de Leche Materna, OMS 2017

Código Internacional de Comercialización de Sucedáneos de la Leche Materna -Preguntas frecuentes Actualización de 2017 Muchas person...


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