
Cluster Coordination Guidance for Country Offices - UNICEF, 2015

This report Cluster Coordination Guidance for Country Offices Final Report, 2015 stems from one of the outstanding recommendations of the Cluster Lead Agency Role in Humanitarian Action (CLARE) and is composed of a summary that highlights broad issues and a reference guide that provides more specific details. This document has been developed to assist UNICEF country offices to better fulfill CLA responsibilities in level 3 (L3) and other emergencies, with reference to relevant IASC protocols and guidance and relevant internal UNICEF reviews and evaluations. Therefore, UNICEF needs to ensure the same level of investment and support for AORs as is given to clusters. This document comprises: • Summary: This chapter explains key responsibilities of UNICEF country representatives and country offices in supporting cluster and area of responsibility coordination functions. • Part One: The cluster approach – how it works, and UNICEF country representative responsibilities. This part has been developed to align with the IASC Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at Country Level (CCRM) to facilitate ease of cross-referencing. • Part Two: The cluster approach – UNICEF country office responsibilities. It is currently being translated and will be available in French.


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