
We are pleased to share the 2022-2025 GNC Advocacy Strategy that was developed to complement and support the implementation of the 2022-2025 GNC Global Strategy, particularly its Strategic Objective 3 (Building an enabling environment) but cutting across other objectives also.

The overall advocacy objective is to ensure adequate support at global and national level to multi-sector and multi-stakeholder approaches to nutrition and scale up multi-sector, multi-year, unearmarked funding to prevent, mitigate and recover from shocks to the nutrition situation.

The advocacy strategy includes three interlinked advocacy priorities:

Strategic priority 1: Coordination (focus on strengthening nutrition-specific coordination and linkages with development coordination mechanisms)

Strategic priority 2: Prioritization of nutrition (The nutrition cluster is activated as a core independent cluster in all contexts where the Food Security, Health and WASH clusters are activated with heightened support to multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholders approaches)

Strategic priority 3: Financing (scaled up adequate, longer-term and unearmarked funding for nutrition in contexts of fragility)

The strategy will be implemented following a phased approach and the key priority in 2022 will be promoting and scaling up intersectoral collaboration and programming as well as strengthening nutrition cluster/sector coordination.

The strategy includes also a strong focus on support to national advocacy and in strengthening GNC advocacy capacities, systems and processes.

As part of the work, we plan to develop relevant advocacy tools and key messages on priority areas of work to support global and national advocacy efforts and we will also be able to support specific advocacy requests from countries. Furthermore, we will be able to provide direct support to up to 5 countries this year in the development of country advocacy strategies and plans of action. Direct support to countries will be based on demands received with prioritization depending on the number of requests.

You can download the strategy here


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