

Sep 12

Cher-es NCC,IMO et collègues,  Le GNC est heureux de vous proposer un wébinaire en français sur le processus HRP 2024. Ce wébinaire aura lieu en ligne le mardi 12 septembre a 14h heure de Geneve. L'agenda est le suivant: Introduction                    …

Sep 06

Dear NCC,IMO and colleagues,  This webinar will discuss the 2024 HRP process in light of updated guidance by the GNC and OCHA and available support from the GNC.  When:06/09/2023; 13.00 – 15.00 CET  The proposed agenda is as follows: HRP 2024 orientation webinar agenda 1.      Introduction and overview  …


HNO session of the GNC webinar series on the 2024 HPC process Agenda 1. Introduction and overview 2. Contributing factors and scope 3. Sectoral analysis: Nutrition PIN and Severity 4. Intersectoral analysis 5. Wrap up and GNC support

WHO Guideline on the Prevention and Management of Wasting and Nutritional Oedema (Acute Malnutrition) Management Section Thursday, 20 July 2023, 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (EST) The Global Action Plan on Child Wasting called upon the World Health Organization to develop and update normative guidance to support governments in the prevention and…

UNICEFMyanmar/Tin Nilar Win/Kachin

  The GNC Technical Alliance and Nutrition Cluster in Myanmar is pleased to invite you to the Webinar: “Introductory Concepts/ Orientation on Cash Voucher Assistance Programme in Nutrition In Emergencies and Explore opportunities for Adoption and Implementation in Myanmar” 10 May 2023, 15:00-17:00 (Myanmar time) Please see the recording: In English…


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