
The GNC provides support for training and capacity strengthening at the country, regional, and global level.

We have updated our trainings and orientations for you to continue to strengthen and develop your skills as a humanitarian in nutrition. In addition, we provide in-depth orientations for new NCCs, IMOs, and national or local partners; we have newly developed ISC training modules with more to come; and we are expanding our Mentoring Programme. Our capacity strengthening framework will give you a visual representation of all of the learning pathways and each one is detailed below. Scroll down to read more about the tools we offer that will help you skill up and stand out as an expert in your work. 


Orientation for NCC and IMOs

The orientation is for inductions for new NCCs and IMOs. The purpose is to familiarize everyone on core cluster functions, the humanitarian program cycle and respective key outputs. The orientation also briefs the new NCC or IMO on the structure of the GNC CT and the wider Alliance.

These orientations provide answers to common questions, such as:

  • What available guidance is there for each of the core cluster functions?
  • When/how are clusters activated and deactivated?
  • What guidance is available to support the HNO, HRP, and CCPM exercise?
  • Who can I reach out to if I require support in my role as a NCC or IMO?
  • Can I get a briefing on the country context?

In most emergencies, external support can take days and in some cases weeks to arrive. It is vital that those working in emergencies are equipped with essential information. These orientations provide both NCCs and IMOs with the tools required to improve the overall effectiveness, efficiency, and timeliness of response and recovery during nutrition emergencies. Please reach out to the helpdesk to organize an orientation.

Please note: These orientations are complemented by the online GNC Learn platform. If you have not already, please complete the courses as they pertain to your job function.



New Partner Orientation

This orientation is for new national and local partners and provides an overview of the humanitarian cluster approach and the added value of your organizations involvement.

This orientation provides answers to common requests, such as:

  • Why participate in a cluster?
  • Can my organization get funding through a cluster?
  • Can I have a bigger impact by joining a cluster?
  • What are the basic principles and commitments for participation in the cluster by partners, observers or other?
  • What are my roles and responsibilities?



  • Access the orientation here
  • Download the welcome pack for new partners
  • Click here to download the Humanitarian Coordination and Cluster Approach in both word and PDF

GNC Learn - Nutrition Cluster Coordination & Information Management

Skill up and stand out with GNC Learn

Choose from:

  • Bite-sized learning, where you can dip in and out in areas you want to skill up in - each module takes about an hour to complete.
  • Modules and short courses that cover a specific thematic area and offer more structure - courses take a maximum of eight hours to complete.
  • Learning pathways that include all the short courses as they relate to levels 1, 2 or 3 of the cluster coordination functional competency areas – each pathway takes an average of 30 hours to complete.
The modules are open access and currently available in English, French and Spanish.

Visit the GNC Learn page to read more.


GNC Learn - Nutrition in Emergencies

The Nutrition in Emergency (NiE) channel on GNC Learn is an opportunity for UNICEF personnel, global partners, and individuals interested in pursuing a career in NiE to boost their skills and strengthen their capacity in emergency preparedness and response. 

The channel is home to 18 short courses from Basic Training in NiE to Acute Malnutrition in Emergency Preparedness and Response to Infant Feeding in Emergencies. Each self-paced course takes a maximum of 1 hour to complete and a certificate is awarded upon completion.

Please visit the GNC Learn Platform to access all nutrition in emergency modules and courses. 


Inter-cluster / sector Collaboration (ICSC) training modules

The purpose of this training is to provide a clear understanding of what ICSC is, how to develop it along the humanitarian project cycle and its importance. The modules take the learner through the crucial steps of the humanitarian project cycle by exploring each step with an inter-cluster / sector collaboration lens – from a coordination perspective to a more technical one. 

Case studies are used to help the learner feel more comfortable initiating the first steps of ICSC at country level – Nutrition, WASH, Health, and Food Security are at the heart of these examples. There is also a dedicated module on resource mobilization and advocacy as well as one that focuses on the most common challenges and tips to resolve them. 

As of today, one module is currently online – Introduction to Intersectoral Collaboration and Programming – with another six currently being assessed and validated. We aim to have these available online by the end of 2022.

Each module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.


GNC Mentoring Programme

The mentoring programme was started because it was found that NCCs and IMOs have a need for development in two main areas: technical competencies and soft skills in coordination and information management. It was thought that these areas could be effectively addressed through a mentoring approach. The goal of the program is to improve skills of cluster coordination teams in a specific area that a mentee has self-identified with the mentor’s support; this area can be in cluster coordination, information management, technical nutrition in emergencies, or soft skills.

The objectives of the programme are: 

  • To provide tailored, real-time support to meet the professional development needs of Nutrition Cluster Coordinators (NCCs) and Information Management Officers (IMOs). 
  • To enhance the confidence of Nutrition Cluster staff when dealing with the challenges arising from their role. 
  • To identify, share and promote best practices, experiences and approaches in cluster coordination, public nutrition information services, management and leadership.


To learn more about our mentoring programme, click below.


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